Monday 24 February 2014

Chetan Bhagat's confusion on who should drive my car ?

Chetan Bhagat's article on "Indian voter's dilemma" was a fantasy dilemma , but I felt this great story line was finished off in a hurry. One can't blame Chetan for it with his overwhelming social, twitter and punditry responsibilities.

Summery of the article for those who didn't read it. The story is about employing 3 different drivers to drive your car. Two of them are reasonably good drivers but habitual thieves. The third one is very honest but lacks maturity and not a great driver. Chetan's tragic story gives very little choice. You are caught between the devil and the deep sea. Devil being the habitual thieves (BJP and Congress) and the deep sea is the immature AAP. The best option that Chetan sees is iterating over the two habitual thieves and hope that one day they will get tired of stealing and become honest.

So Chetan have you heard Kleptomaniac's getting cured ? The two habitual thief's are basically Kleptomaniac's who will never get tired but as & when chance provided they will rob & deposit their spoils in Swizz bank's & dead investments like gold & land. The problem with these kleptomaniac's drivers is they will rob the petrol of the car. Think ask Drivers of car where they rob is in fuel. When fuel is robbed there is no chance of the car to move forward. In such a scenario what is the use of they being good drivers when the car it self is not going to run , instead they are just decorated pieces on which lot of expenditure will incur only to maintain them? But on the 3rd honest driver is worth investing on since my fuel will be safe & car running. As per maturity i will better sit at the navigation seat next to driver & guide him . 

AAP never says that it has solutions to all the problems but is welcoming & open ,ears on the ground. AAP at least listens & is ready to work on citizens guidance . Any given time i will trust a honest, inexperienced driver like AAP to  Kleptomaniac's Congress & BJP since it will stall economic growth of the nation by crony capitalism .

Chetan a educated like you has his mind completely blocked ,better for you to realize it soon. Open your mind Chetan & smell the coffee. 


  1. Venkatesh bro, loved your take on the silly comparison with a carefullychosen wrong example by that self-proclaimed independent gyani.

    The following is my rebuttal to chetan. Please post.
    I think you have chosen wrong example.

    First of all, I don't think you don't know that the analogy you choose is terribly wrong and is misleading. your purpose is better served if you compared three traffic police standing at cross roads controlling traffic instead of car driver.

    Consider 3 traffic policemen. first two take money to let people brake traffic rules such as jumping signal, not having license etc. This is leading to road accidents, death of people on road, chaos at cross roads and delays to your work place.

    You got fed up of the first police taking bribes but is experienced at the cross roads and used his experience to extract maximum bribes and allowed chaos due to traffic jam.

    You replaced the frist with 2nd traffic police who also is corrupt. He too takes bribes and later on he started taking too much bribe and lead to chaos too.

    So you replaced the second too with third, honest, upright, and uncompromising traffic police. He follows the rules to the dot. He did not allow even Ministers sons to flout traffic signal and this caused some traffic jams too.(earlier it used to be because of bribe taking).

    This honest traffic police complained that a huge pot hole at center of his cross road is causing accidents at his cross road and demanded that new road be laid at his cross road but the government did not sanction. So he sat on dharna to stop accidents. This caused some traffic jam too.(earlier the traffic jam used to be because of the dead bodies lying at cross roads due to accidents happening at the huge pot holes)

    Media, intellectuals and opposition said, this constable doesnt know how to manage traffic, why he is asking new roads.

    I am ready to bear traffic jams, which r not new, if that will lead to better roads.

    I am ready to bear dharna for two days if that will save my sisters of delhi and india from rape and assault.

    Many people want the baby to be delivered but dont want the labour pains. No pain No change

  2. superb view sunil.....nailed it..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you.

      The driver example of chetan bhagat tries to say Kejriwal doesn't know how to drive. Kejriwal repeatedly said he doesn't know everything to solve all problems but he knows that if the wisdom of 120 crore Indians is tapped there is not a problem that cannot be solved.

      Now look at this, the man who is an IIT engineer, the man who was an IRS joint commissioner, the man who started a revolution that set the worlds largest democracy on fire with nothing in hand(no money, no resources, no following, little recognition) is saying that he doesn't pretend to know everything but will revitalize dying Indian democracy through participative governance. On the other hand we have people who claim to solve problems with 56 inch seena, and mugged up answers.

      And then we have people who don't even know the difference between a leader and an individual contributer, who claim to be independent, apolitical intellectuals who tell us what choice we should make.

  3. super rebuttals..both of u..chetan has lost his mind..or js pushing his own agenda..

  4. Excellent.....!! Its good to see AAP is having talents from all sections of the society , supporting it.

  5. great jawab Sunil.. chetan bhagat has lost it, 7RCR series n TOI articles me chay ka bohut influence hai..

    1. I think he wrote that article after drinking chai :-))
